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In a world turned digital, building and forming connections could not be easier, we text, tweet, and send status updates. However, does that mean we as people feel connected? When everyone around you is plugged in it can make it feel hard to connect and make it more difficult to start a conversation. People prefer time together and want to feel heard. So, I aimed to create a product that helps young people feel more connected through simple interaction.


Affinity uses colour to connect people without words. People who use this product can communicate by scanning something around them to share with a friend. Encouraging people to start a conversation abstractly. Affinity aims to help people feel more connected with one another and lets people know when someone is thinking of them.


With my project 'Affinity' I was lucky enough to have the honour of winning the Colour in Design Award 2020! This is an amazing experience and I'm in shock with how my project has been received! Thank you to CIDA and New Designers for this opportunity and thank you to the University of Dundee with helping me get there!


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